The Simpsons!
Watched my all time fav cartoon series being made into a movie yesterday.Unlike most of its games,the movie doesnt suck!!In fact it will cause you to have stitches from the start to finish!Highly recommended for people who are stressed out and it doesnt even matter that you are not a Simpsons fan.Yesterday also was the first time i went to town in 3 weeks!!Seeing all the people there causes me headache although dont mind watching the chicks there!
Its been 3 weeks since i went in and to be honest,time really flies!Left 10 more weeks to POP and the hardest part i think is that my training will be during in the fasting month.Hope that i can tahan it and maybe find out something about myself that i didnt know before like recently.
Well see ya guys again in 5 more days!
Labels: Simpsons, town
guitars games soccer @ 11:07 AM
Back..tired but meaningful
Back from my 10 days hiatus which to me is equivalent to 1 month!It seems interesting how a bunch of strangers will became best of friends in the next 2 years.My bunkmates are all crazy people which is how i like it!We got nicknames for people like Venom,Mr Bean and Kacang!
As for the training,the first 3 days of torture!We called it MPH torture and did 200 jumping jacks and 100 Buddha clap.This make your ache and i cant even lift up my shirt to bathe!How i wish my mum was with me so that she can urut my aching shoulders!I also got my No.3 uniform and can say..haha..i really cant accept the fact that im in the police!!On that note to the Seniors told us to be on good behaviour when we are outside as we are police officer now.We also have to march wherever we go and the first week was quite funny as im not used to marching.But now with a bit of practice im use our squad can do well.
Semper Fidelis..Afro
*become a mangkok this afternoon!..only Biol knows!!*
Labels: Istday, Police
guitars games soccer @ 7:12 PM
Not good bye..its see you again

This is my last blog for the next 10 days as you guys should have known it by now that im going to NS tomorrow!From the title suggest,this is not a good bye as i will be back and will be the same Afro..i hope!One last note take care of yourself and dont get into any trouble!Hope to make my family and country proud of me.
Labels: cya
guitars games soccer @ 3:35 PM
Certainty n Uncertainty
Woke up this morning and mum said " are your stuff."I open my bleary eyes to find that she had bought for me detergent and toothpaste for me to bring for camp.Looks like i will became my own maid now that i have to wash my own shirts.Well,although there are no girls in my family,i have done my fair share of washing my own clothes if you believe me.Being 3 days left now,thoughts of NS looms inside my head.Its not much about the training,its about after that.
One thing that im certain is that i will definitely get darker!!Cant hide the fact.After BMT,HOPEFULLY i will get what i chose whether it is patrol or what not.I definitely dont want to get office work!Although its a 8-5 job,its seems all the training have gone to waste!I picture myself patrolling the streets and hopefully get some action.Now,after NS is another thing.My RP admission is on 2010 and my ORD is 2009.So you do the maths and i have 1 year to spare! 1 freaking year!..Hope that my ORD is close to or before 2009 poly admission and if not, i will fall to my Plan B,that is to take up football coaching license.If i manage to get the license,then i can go to schools and get some income before school starts.Well,this is my plan but plan all you can,there is bound to be some hiccup!
Semper Fidelis Afro!
Labels: NS, RP
guitars games soccer @ 10:41 PM
Live Free or Die Hard

If you are sick of moies where the characters are in costume,well let me recommend watching Die Hard 4.0.It is back to the good old fashion kick ass no holds barred action movie.Bruce Wilis reprises his role as Detective John McClane and must fight a group of slick cyber-terrorist.It really shows how the world is depended on computers and once it stopped working,chaos looms!Although Bruce Wilis is now like what..50 ish,he still got the action hero in him.He jumped from cars,buildings and plane!Really good movie and if the Transformers made you wanna join the Army, Die Hard will wanna wish you join the police and be like McClane.The movie truly worth my $9.50.
Semper Fidelis Afro!
* 3 days left to be McClane!*
Labels: Die Hard
guitars games soccer @ 12:21 PM
Me in Simpsons!

Was mucking around the net saw the official Simpsons website.They have a section where you can be a character in Simpsons.My name in the Simpsons world..Bushy!
guitars games soccer @ 11:02 PM

Watched Transformer yesterday and it was one hell of a show!Filled with cool cars and babe (Megan Fox!) it was definitley worth every penny.This movie is also one where it will make you join the army on the fact that the army is cool!It was pretty long but considering it was a Michael Bay production,yup the guy that made Pearl Harbor as well,no surprise though some scenes are not necessary.
Meet Biol after that and now its is official.He is the only guy that i know that sustain ACL 2 times and on the same knee!Felt sorry for the bloke but luckily for him,he will be enlisted in October and not like me!Talked cock with him as i have not seen him for quite sometime now and he send me a few of Arctic Monkeys Song..thanks mate!Semper Fidelis Afro!!
Labels: Transformer
guitars games soccer @ 12:23 PM
Football:Bringing People Together

Will discuss the match later on as football really bring people together.For my case, while walking towards the stadium,heard somebody shouted my name and it was Bing!...haha.All botak as he just book out from camp.While walking with him saw another ex-sec classmate of mine.It was Wei Luo.Bing shouted his name but maybe he was too busy with his GF!We then took parted ways as Bing sat with his friends.While looking for seats,heard somebody shout "Afro"!..Turned my head and saw Farhan,Iman and the Camelot crew!Its been ages since i see them!
About the match,Singapore should have led before the break as Indra as left one-one with Schwarzer and should have lifted the ball over him.Well easy for me to say as thousands of eyes are watching over him!But good effort though.Although Australia won,they didnt really impress me.If Singapore can cause all sort of problems,what will the like of Iraq,South Korea and Japan will do!Believe me,the 3-0 scoreline is too flatering for the Aussie.Singapore area of weakness is their off the ball movement and the lack of ideas especially
in the final third.It is very apparent as whenever we got the ball in the Aussie half,NO one makes a run for space and they just stand there!Then when we make our way to the Aussie penalty area,it seems nobody wants to try a shot and if they finally did,the defence area already all over them.Im no Rinus Michaels but if Singapore improves on these problem area,im sure we can challenge the likes of Aussie again and can be confident of beating them.If the Italian football got their "Forza Italia", Singapore have one of their own in Majulah Singapura!Semper Fidelis Afro!
Here are my idea of what the future Kallang stadium should look like:

Schalke 04 have a retrackable roof

Bird's eye vie of Ajax ArenA

It have a retrackable roof as well

Fireworks lighting up the sky!

Come up lads!

Bye Bye Kallang!
Labels: Kallang, Singapore
guitars games soccer @ 11:43 AM