<body> Me n Aria by my Side <body>

SING to me

STRUM it to ME

() ASM #252
() MSW # 8
() Make my way to Villa Park
() Be a great coach one day
() Aston Martin Vanquish
() Create a band
() Take Class 2B
() Get the hell out from HTA!

THE stRUMmers

Mr Ongderson
Little Miss Kecoh
Prata Man

Listen to This

Games to Buy

Star Wars:Force Unleashed GTA:IV


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Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Most Tiring Day EVER!!
Did the whole parade sequence twice today and its was FREAKING tiring!All in all i think we stood around for 1hr 30 mins and the fact that the Parade Commander is a dumbass doesnt help.He screw some lines and it really irritate the hell of uS!
Saw Laura on Tuesday and she said that i looked different as she said i have slimmed!Dont know whether to take that as a compliment or not but its nice to meet her after so long.Since we took the same bus we chatted and catch up.

Semper Fidelis Afro

*6 more day to POP*


guitars games soccer @ 9:27 PM

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Pre-POP Drill
Now that the fasting month is over,we all have to do our POP drill.The Parade itself falls on the 30 October.The first time we had the drill is was very TIRING!!Imagine doing the same thing over and over again.Standing under the hot sun doesnt help much either and we had to stay at Sedia and Senang Diri for over 3 minutes each time.I have new found respect for those people who did the NDP.Its certainly not easy to be in one!But i must say as of today,we know what to do already and cant wait for the Parade!


guitars games soccer @ 10:08 PM

Friday, October 12, 2007
Selamat Hari Raya!!
I would like to wish all my muslims friend Selamat Hari Raya.If i have wronged or hurt you ,i hope that you can accept my sincere apologies from the bottom of my heart.Enjoy your holiday!!


guitars games soccer @ 9:23 PM

Sunday, October 7, 2007
Goodbye Room 218
My stay at the mention room is over as we had to dekit.A lot of memories we had in the room.For this week,we had our Law Test which comprises of 150 questions and we had 2hr30 mins to do it.We got our results and we had only 1 failure.Tough luck.On Thursday night which is our last night, we all became jackass!From sabo people for their birthday to hiding in locker and scaring the crap out of them.Gonna miss the fellows when we go our separate ways.

My locker

Bachelor Pad!!

Barrack Number

View of my barrack

For our last PT,the instructor made us do a "farewell" jumping jack which is 127 jumping jack!!All and all cant believe that i have spent 3 months with a bunch of strangers that have became brothers and grew to depend on.I guess that is what NS is all about.

Semper Fidelis Afro!

guitars games soccer @ 11:20 AM